For all NEW CLIENTS. Prerequisite leading to more discounted price. This session provides a deep clearing to kick start your healing journey. The hearing can be for you, your connection, family, or any soul who gives permission.

This session is for going even deeper and further with your healing—healing is a continuous progress. It can be for you or your connection or both, a family member, any soul who gives permission. Must have already completed First Time Healing/Clearing.

The Monthly Subscription is a perfect way to keep up with life’s challenges, achieve deeper healing, and prioritize your mental health. Every month, you will receive a session, it can be live or a 45-minutes audio recording.
Spiritual Healing Therapy has created powerful chart to add to your “tool box” such as IDU, GCT, QST and many others that allow you to heal on a full spectrum. Download Charts here.
Refresh your connection with your pet(s) and clear obstacles that can cause bad habits and stress to each of you. This session will enhance your pet’s overall well-being, tapping into their feelings and needs.
Dive deeper into your healing in this 8 weeks program. It will help you heal around all types of relationships. It was design to reunite with the self. Great program for TF.
Everything holds consciousness, some say “Everything is an extension of you”. In this clearing we will clear the house/place/business and all beings under the same roof etc…