About Me

Alexandra Spiritual Healing Therapy
Spiritual Healer and Teacher

Alexandra Dobigies

Alexandra Dobigies is a certified Spiritual Healer and a certified teacher by the SRA. She has also been creating new modalities, such as G.C.T, I.D.U, Q.S.T, and L.I.T., which have taken her clients to the next level.

She was born and raised in Northern France and has lived in the U.S. for the past 19 years. For over 9 years she has worked with clients across the globe including the U.S., France, Denmark, Kenya, and many more.

Alexandra became a certified healer in a multitude of energy healing modalities. She believes that possessing the gift of healing doesn’t stop there—a healer should always continue training and learning to take her gifts to the next level.

Alexandra’s purpose on Earth is to help people find their way to greatness by unfolding their inner power to achieve well-being and happiness.

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Do You Have A Question?

    Alexandra cleared me till my cancer was gone. I dont know where I will be without Spiritual Healing Therapy. Doctors had given up on me pretty much send me home to die after fighting cancer 7 years. now Im free and in love.

    Britni Agnew

    L’écoute et la présence lumineuse, bienveillante d’Alexandra m’ont permise de me reconnecter … avec son aide et sa pratique, son talent , j’ai pu me libérer, me dépasser , transcender des blocages, des peurs récurrentes qui me paralysaient. Retrouver confiance en qui JE SUIS vraiment !!!
    C’est une très belle rencontre?
    Et nous le savons, il n’y a pas de hasard!!! ?
    MERCI ☀️☀️☀️


    Every time, and I mean every time, I have a session with Alex a powerful space is created that flows into my day, week, month…the space is a place of high energy and high consciousness that I can feel with my heart and in my interaction with my world. I have recommended Alex to several of my friends and they felt this shift as well. I highly recommend this unique and wonderful experience.

    Mark Riesenberg

    Business Consultant

    Alex, you are great. You make this world a better place.

    Melissa Agnew

    I am a person who did not have much self-confidence and do not know how to manage his emotions and was taking antidepressants. I talked about my situation to a friend who suggested me to get help by talking with someone who could help me. I was skeptical and did not really know what to think. So I agree and since I made the switch I’m fine, I put my life in order and I no longer need these medications which I thought to help me but contrary merely to stand by me.
    In any case, dear madam still a big thank you for your help and advice.


    I’ve always been a man of logic and reason, trapped in a world that hardly uses either. ? My study of philosophy has made me understand that the only people who are wise, are the ones who understand that they don’t know everything. So when I first discovered the avenue for which Alex uses to bring healing and prosperity, I was completely open minded and eager to have that experience.

    First, I just want to say that Alex was not only professional but very caring and kind, which I think every great healer possesses. I found the entire process a comfort for the soul, it was extremely peaceful and afterwards felt a strong sense of harmony with the universe. I would highly recommend Alex to anyone that is interested in Spiritual Healing Therapy, she has a way of making you feel like she’s a long lost friend.

    Peace Love & Blessings

    Matthew Hensman

    I always considered myself a huge procrastinator. Always putting things off to the last minute. Unfortunately, this started to affect my life. At one point I had a hundred things to do but didn’t know where to start. A close friend suggested I speak to someone. However, I wasn’t interested in someone to help me organize my life.
    Surprisingly, it was nothing like that. After speaking with Alexandra for some time,
    I definitely felt not only more focused but over-all had a better clarity of my personal being. I don’t believe in unicorns or pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but I highly recommend Spiritual Healing Therapy.

    Angel Rosario

    Throughout my twin flame journey, I felt discouraged and lonely.
    Alexandra was the first therapist who helped me understand. Now, I’m living my fairytale with my twin flame and our little baby girl all thanks to her.
    I have so much gratitude. She is truly amazing and one of a kind.


    Today I connected with a great person that gave my mind, body and soul the most amazing sense of peace and tranquility, that person was Alexandra. You are truly an amazing gift to this wonderful world we live in. I can’t explain in words how powerful our connection was today, all I know is that you are the truth. The way my higher self connected with your higher self was magical and I look forward to more sessions. I have the greatest respect for your work and you heart
    Thank you. Peace.

    Robbie Cornelius

    I have been working with Alexandra for several years now. She is extremely intuitive and helps me in so many ways. She knows how to break down any situation or issue I have and clear it from the root. Her work is effective and precise and efficient. She can tap into all types of family dynamics. She is always spot on and helps me to navigate my life choices. She’s a highly skilled intuitive healer.
